


ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Notes for Developers

Two Types of large language models(LLMs)

Two types of large language models (LLMs)


Instruction Tuned LLM: Attempts to follow instructions

Fine-tunes on instructions and makes a good attempt at following them.

RLHF: Reinforcement learning with human feedback

Using openai Python API library

import openai
import os

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv())

openai.api_key  = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')

def get_completion(prompt, model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):
    messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        temperature=0, # this is the degree of randomness of the model's output
    return response.choices[0].message["content"]

Write clear and specific instructions#

Use separators#


text = f"""
You should express what you want a model to do by \ 
providing instructions that are as clear and \ 
specific as you can possibly make them. \ 
This will guide the model towards the desired output, \ 
and reduce the chances of receiving irrelevant \ 
or incorrect responses. Don't confuse writing a \ 
clear prompt with writing a short prompt. \ 
In many cases, longer prompts provide more clarity \ 
and context for the model, which can lead to \ 
more detailed and relevant outputs.
prompt = f"""
Summarize the text delimited by triple backticks \ 
into a single sentence.
response = get_completion(prompt)

Avoid prompt injection:

Prompt Injection

Request structured output#

To make it easier to parse model outputs, it is helpful to request structured outputs like HTML or JSON.

prompt = f"""
Generate a list of three made-up book titles along \ 
with their authors and genres. 
Provide them in JSON format with the following keys: 
book_id, title, author, genre.
response = get_completion(prompt)

Ask the model to check if conditions are met#

An example of condition satisfaction.

text_1 = f"""
Making a cup of tea is easy! First, you need to get some \ 
water boiling. While that's happening, \ 
grab a cup and put a tea bag in it. Once the water is \ 
hot enough, just pour it over the tea bag. \ 
Let it sit for a bit so the tea can steep. After a \ 
few minutes, take out the tea bag. If you \ 
like, you can add some sugar or milk to taste. \ 
And that's it! You've got yourself a delicious \ 
cup of tea to enjoy.
prompt = f"""
You will be provided with text delimited by triple quotes. 
If it contains a sequence of instructions, \ 
re-write those instructions in the following format:

Step 1 - ...
Step 2 - …

Step N - …

If the text does not contain a sequence of instructions, \ 
then simply write \"No steps provided.\"

response = get_completion(prompt)
print("Completion for Text 1:")

If the specified format is not supported for output, provide an alternative output format. Request output in the specified format. Here is an example of outputting "No steps provided."

text_2 = f"""
The sun is shining brightly today, and the birds are \
singing. It's a beautiful day to go for a \ 
walk in the park. The flowers are blooming, and the \ 
trees are swaying gently in the breeze. People \ 
are out and about, enjoying the lovely weather. \ 
Some are having picnics, while others are playing \ 
games or simply relaxing on the grass. It's a \ 
perfect day to spend time outdoors and appreciate the \ 
beauty of nature.
prompt = f"""
You will be provided with text delimited by triple quotes. 
If it contains a sequence of instructions, \ 
re-write those instructions in the following format:

Step 1 - ...
Step 2 - …

Step N - …

If the text does not contain a sequence of instructions, \ 
then simply write \"No steps provided.\"

response = get_completion(prompt)
print("Completion for Text 2:")

Few-shot prompting#

Provide successful examples of completing a task

Then ask the model to perform that task

prompt = f"""
Your task is to answer in a consistent style.

<child>: Teach me about patience.

<grandparent>: The river that carves the deepest \ 
valley flows from a modest spring; the \ 
grandest symphony originates from a single note; \ 
the most intricate tapestry begins with a solitary thread.

<child>: Teach me about resilience.
response = get_completion(prompt)

Give the model time to "think"#

Specify the steps required to complete a task#

text = f"""
In a charming village, siblings Jack and Jill set out on \ 
a quest to fetch water from a hilltop \ 
well. As they climbed, singing joyfully, misfortune \ 
struck—Jack tripped on a stone and tumbled \ 
down the hill, with Jill following suit. \ 
Though slightly battered, the pair returned home to \ 
comforting embraces. Despite the mishap, \ 
their adventurous spirits remained undimmed, and they \ 
continued exploring with delight.
# example 1
prompt_1 = f"""
Perform the following actions: 
1 - Summarize the following text delimited by triple \
backticks with 1 sentence.
2 - Translate the summary into French.
3 - List each name in the French summary.
4 - Output a json object that contains the following \
keys: french_summary, num_names.

Separate your answers with line breaks.

response = get_completion(prompt_1)
print("Completion for prompt 1:")

Request output in the specified format

prompt_2 = f"""
Your task is to perform the following actions: 
1 - Summarize the following text delimited by 
  <> with 1 sentence.
2 - Translate the summary into French.
3 - List each name in the French summary.
4 - Output a json object that contains the 
  following keys: french_summary, num_names.

Use the following format:
Text: <text to summarize>
Summary: <summary>
Translation: <summary translation>
Names: <list of names in Italian summary>
Output JSON: <json with summary and num_names>

Text: <{text}>
response = get_completion(prompt_2)
print("\nCompletion for prompt 2:")

Guide the model to find solutions before rushing to conclusions#

prompt = f"""
Your task is to determine if the student's solution \
is correct or not.
To solve the problem do the following:
- First, work out your own solution to the problem. 
- Then compare your solution to the student's solution \ 
and evaluate if the student's solution is correct or not. 
Don't decide if the student's solution is correct until 
you have done the problem yourself.

Use the following format:
question here
Student's solution:
student's solution here
Actual solution:
steps to work out the solution and your solution here
Is the student's solution the same as actual solution \
just calculated:
yes or no
Student grade:
correct or incorrect

I'm building a solar power installation and I need help \
working out the financials. 
- Land costs $100 / square foot
- I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot
- I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost \
me a flat $100k per year, and an additional $10 / square \
What is the total cost for the first year of operations \
as a function of the number of square feet.
Student's solution:
Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
1. Land cost: 100x
2. Solar panel cost: 250x
3. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 100x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 100x = 450x + 100,000
Actual solution:
response = get_completion(prompt)


Note on backslashes:

In the course, we use backslashes to make text fit on the screen without inserting newline characters '\n'.

Whether or not you insert newline characters, GPT-3 is not actually affected. But in general, when using LLMs, you might consider whether inserting newline characters in prompts will affect the model's performance.

Course source and copyright belong to: ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers - DeepLearning.AI

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.